Substance Snapshots aim to provide educators with knowledge surrounding specific substances, classes of substances, and methods of consumption. Each snapshot explains what the substance is, how it's used, the different effects it may have, when to seek emergency help, and how to stay safe.

These documents are intended to support educators in their delivery of drug education. They are not for direct student use unless deemed developmentally appropriate.

If you want to learn more about understanding substance use, you can watch CCSA’s video here. 

Drug Categories

Published: February 2024

Cannabinoids can be stimulating, hallucinogenic, or cause drowsiness. The main chemicals in Cannabinoids are THC (psychoactive) and CBD (calming). They are naturally produced from the cannabis plant.

You can view our DECYDE Substance Snapshot on Cannabinoids here

Depressants are a group of substances that slow down processes in your body, like messages between your brain and body. They are used for their relaxing and euphoric effect.

You can view our DECYDE Substance Snapshot on Depressants here. 


Hallucinogens are also called psychedelics. They can cause changes in perception, mood, and thinking. They affect a person’s thinking, time, and emotions. cause hallucinations, creativity, and an “otherworldly” experience.

You can view our DECYDE Substance Snapshot on Hallucinogens here. 


Stimulants are a group of substances that speed up processes in your body, such as messages to your brain. People may use stimulants because they help them feel alert, confident, or euphoric.

You can view our DECYDE Substance Snapshot on Stimulants here. 

See our DECYDE Substance Snapshots on the following Stimulants: