Lesson 5.1: Understanding Drugs and Medications

Students will recognize trusted sources of information and support regarding drugs, and how to differentiate between categories of drugs (medical or non-medical, legal or illegal).


This lesson is aligned with the following learning outcomes from the NL Grade 5 Health Curriculum:

  1. Outline where and how to obtain accurate information regarding medicines.
  2. Understand that food/drink can affect the potency of certain drugs, thus the need to follow prescriptions accurately.
  3. Realize that alcohol is a drug (depressant).
  4. Identify some constructive activities to do instead of using substances.
  5. Discuss the reasons for laws on drugs and drug abuse.

1. Identify personal interests, abilities and strengths.

2. Understand the interrelationship of physical and mental heath, and general well-being.

1. Apply the decision-making process to daily activities.

2. Outline some personal and peer problems and plan how to deal with them.

Lesson Plan


Activity 1: Using Medications: Why and How?

Part A: Is This a Drug? 

Students will work together in groups to indicate whether they think the following examples represent a prescription drugover-the-counter drug, or neither. Ask students to record any questions or comments they have. This activity is available as a PDF or Google Doc.

Part B: What Should We Know When Taking Medication?

As a class or in small groups, examine the images of the different medications provided. What important information do students notice on the labels? What are some instructions to follow? Ask students if they can think of any other instructions when taking medication?

Part C: Making the Safest Decision!

In small groups, students will review the various situations provided and discuss with their classmates what they think would be an appropriate decision to make and why. Students should be prepared to share their ideas with the class at the end of the discussion.

Sharing and Reflection Activity: Find Someone Who… 

Using the Find Someone Who activity card, students will mingle with their classmates to discuss the prompts and record their peer’s name before moving on to another classmate to complete the next prompt, and so on. Encourage students to talk to as many peers as possible. Follow up with the whole class in a sharing session.

Exit Reflection Card: 

Invite students to complete the Exit Reflection Card and reflect on what they have learned about using medications safely.

Activity 2: Drug Categories: Legal or Illegal? Medical or Non-Medical?

Do You Agree or Disagree?

To indicate their initial understanding, students will reflect on each statement and complete the Before section only. Inform students that they will refer to this checklist later to affirm or correct any misconceptions they may have. 

Drug Categories Infographic:

Use and discuss this infographic to help guide discussion on and define the different categories. Ask students to refer to their Agree/Disagree Statements (in the “Before” section) from the previous activity. Discuss the statements referring to this chart.

Exploration Activity: Drug Categories

Working individually or in small groups, invite students to complete the exploration activity below that will require them to sort various situations into different drug categories. 

Exit Reflection Card: Drug Safety

Invite students to complete the Exit Reflection Card and share what they learned about taking medications safely.

Quiz Time! Medication Safety

Working individually or in small groups, invite students to complete the exploration activity below that will require them to sort various situations into different drug categories. 

Substance Snapshots

Substance Snapshots aim to provide educators with knowledge surrounding specific substances, classes of substances, and methods of consumption. These documents are intended to support educators in their delivery of drug education. They are not for direct use by elementary students.