Lesson 4.3: What Influences Drug Use?
Students will analyze various influences that affect drug use.
This lesson is aligned with the following learning outcomes from the NL Grade 4 Health and English Language Arts curricula:
- Recognize the pressures applied through advertising for brand-name health and health-related products.
- Analyze advertisements promoting the use of tobacco products.
- Identify various sources of health-related information
- Recognize that nicotine and caffeine are drugs.
1. Analyze the intended messages in a variety of text types and forms.
2. Respond critically to a variety of text types and forms.
Lesson Plan
Activity 1: Analyzing Video Media
As a class, students will watch and discuss two videos from different sources. The purpose of this activity is for students to think critically about the media they consume and they messages they are receiving.
Activity 2: Analyzing Print Media
Students will analyze an energy drink advertisement and recognize the different techniques that are used to promote products, especially drug products to youth. This activity provides students with an opportunity to think critically about the media they consume and they messages they are receiving. This activity is available in both Google Docs and PDF.
Activity 3: Exit Reflection Card – Create Your Own Ad
This activity invites students to be creative and design an advertisement about one of the four substances covered in this lesson. The advertisement should target youth, use accurate information, and promote the idea that youth should not use the substance. This activity helps students reflect on what they have learned about how advertisements work, and encourages them to think critically about the messages they see.
Activity 4: Summary Quiz (Lessons 1-3)
This Kahoot quiz contains questions related to the content in lessons 1-3 of the Grade 4 program.
Substance Snapshots
Substance Snapshots aim to provide educators with knowledge surrounding specific substances, classes of substances, and methods of consumption. These documents are intended to support educators in their delivery of drug education. They are not for direct use by elementary students.