Lesson 4.2: Non-Medical Drug Use
Students will explore making safe decisions related to non-medical drug use.
This lesson is aligned with the following learning outcomes from the NL Grade 4 Health Curriculum:
1. Identify some reasons why people use drugs for non-medicinal purposes.
2. Recognize that nicotine and caffeine are drugs.
3. Identify the reasons why people do or do not smoke.
4. Discuss some of the physiological effects of smoking.
5. Describe the short term and long term effects of smoking.
6. Identify a number of activities to do instead of smoking.
7. Outline the effects of environmental tobacco smoke (ETS).
8. Suggest ways to protect oneself from environmental tobacco smoke (ETS).
1. Identify recreational activities: hobbies, physical activity or creative pursuits.
1. Realize that one’s decisions may affect other people.
2. Outline the steps to follow in decision making.
Lesson Plan
Activity 1: Medical vs. Non-Medical Drugs
Using the Canva Whiteboard template below, students will categorize drugs into their respective category.
Activity 2: Introduction to Alcohol, Caffeine, Cannabis and Nicotine – Presentation
In this activity, students will be introduced to four common substances: alcohol, caffeine, cannabis, and nicotine. The goal of this activity is to get students thinking about the characteristics of each substance, including other names for the substance, different sources that may contain the substance, and how the substance may make you feel.
Activity 2: Introduction to Alcohol, Caffeine, Cannabis and Nicotine – Matching Game
In this activity, students will use the information from the previous discussion about the four substances (alcohol, caffeine, cannabis, and nicotine) to complete the worksheet.
Activity 3: FACE Decision-Making Model Scenarios
In Activity 3, students will have the opportunity to explore and assess how choices and decisions can affect one’s well-being and why careful decision-making is important. Present and discuss the FACE Decision-Making Model with students. Students will apply the FACE Model to each scenario to better understand the processes involved in decision-making.
Scenario 1: Fitting In at a New School
Scenario 2: Curious About Cigarettes
Scenario 3: Impressing the Older Kids
Scenario 4: Why Can’t I Sleep?
Activity 4: Exit Card- Healthy Choices
Provide students with the Exit Reflection Card to conclude the lesson. This activity provides students an opportunity to reflect on what they learned about non-medical drugs.
Substance Snapshots
Substance Snapshots aim to provide educators with knowledge surrounding specific substances, classes of substances, and methods of consumption. These documents are intended to support educators in their delivery of drug education. They are not for direct use by elementary students.