Lesson 8.2 : Impact of Self-Concept on Substance Use Decisions

Students will learn about the impact of self-concept, self-care, and health and wellness on substance use decisions. Students will reflect on their own self-concept and consider how this could influence them when making decisions about substance use.

This lesson is aligned with the following learning outcomes from the NL Grade 8 Health Curriculum:

  1. To recognize the short- and long-term effects of alcohol and drugs on health and the risks associated with their use.
  2. To be aware of the particular risks associated with substance use by teens.
  3. To be aware of the dangers of combining alcohol and other drugs.
  4. To understand social influences, including advertising, on decisions about substance use.
  5. To consider personal, familial, and societal values related to substance use.
  6. To identify and promote alternative activities not involving alcohol or other substances.
  7. To identify sources of help and information for substance use.
  8. To have an appreciation of the role of drugs in our society.
  9. To understand some health-related implications of substance use.
  10. To be aware of the part that decision-making plays in substance use.
  1. To appreciate how experiences affect self-concept.
  2. To identify the effects of self-concept on behaviour.
  3. To understand the importance of positive support and feedback on developing a positive self-concept.
  4. To differentiate between appropriate and inappropriate ways of handling moods and feelings.
  5. To use the decision-making process to choose alternate courses of action when dealing with feelings.

Lesson Plan


Learning Activity 1: Goal Setting and Self-Concept

Introduction Activity

Infographic: Self-Concept

Students may find it helpful to refer to the Self-Concept infographic as they work through this Learning Activity.

Pre-Activity: Confidence and Self-Esteem

Exploration: Making SMART Goals

Sharing and Reflection: Personal Action Plan

Learning Activity 2: The Impact of Self-Concept on Health and Wellness

Introduction Activity

Infographics: Self-Concept, Self-Care, Health and Wellness, Factors Influencing Decision-Making

Students may find it helpful to refer to the following infographics as they work through this Learning Activity.

Pre-Activity: Look and Listen: Social Wellness

Exploration: Self-Concept Scenarios

Scenario 1: Alex: Will I Lose Weight? – Smoking Cigarettes

Scenario 2: Taylor: A New School – Smoking and Cannabis

Scenario 3: Hunter: Mixing Substances Won’t Hurt, Will It?

Scenario 3: Parker: Vaping Nicotine to Stay Focused

Self-Concept Scenarios: Teacher Discussion Guide

Sharing and Reflection: Who Am I?

Learning Activity 3: Self-Concept and Decision Making

Infographics: FACE Decision-Making Model, Factors Influencing Decision-Making

Exploration: FACE Decision-Making Scenarios

Scenario 1: Riley: Hitting the Pen: Will I Feel Better?

Scenario 2: Brady: Is Alcohol the Answer?

Scenario 3: Casey: Perfecting the Latest Video Game – Non-prescription Methylphenidate

FACE Decision-Making Scenarios: Teacher Discussion Guide

Sharing and Reflection: Self-Care and Wellness to Help Make Better Decisions

Substance Snapshots

Substance Snapshots aim to provide educators with knowledge surrounding specific substances, classes of substances, and methods of consumption. These documents are intended to support educators in their delivery of drug education. They are not for direct use by elementary students. 

The substance snapshots supporting this lesson plan include: